Rice Rice is India's pre-eminent crop and is the staple food of the people of eastern India and southern India. It is considered as the master crop in the coastal regions of India. Rice is grown all across the nation and is available in umpteen varieties. In India, almost 2, 00, 000 varieties of rice exist. Rice is cultivated under extensively changeable conditions of climate and altitude. This dominant crop is basically rain-fed is those zones where the annual rainfall distribution is above 125 cm. Those regions are suitable for the cultivation of rice where the average temperature does not fall below approximately 20 degree Celsius. Wheat Wheat is one of the major Indian food crops and has played a formative role in the unfolding of the history of India. At present, India is the second largest wheat producer in the world. It is northern India which has conventionally dominated the cultivation of wheat. In India, the abundant wheat producers are the states of Punjab and Haryana. When fertilizers and proper irrigation methods are applied to certain varieties of crops (excluding the dwarf ones), they tend to grow taller. However, regular usage of fertilizers and irrigation badly affect the cultivation of wheat. It is also said that the conditions in India are not suitable for the cultivation of wheat because of its short and relatively dry winter season. Wheat is cultivated in clayey soil and is extensively used for bread making and other food items. It is important to note that India exports sufficient quantities of all types of wheat. Coarse Grains The chief coarse grains grown in India are sorghum and millets. They are chiefly grown in dry areas of the Indian subcontinent. Regur soils are favorable for the growth of sorghum or maize. Maize is a common food crop in northern and western India. It is mainly grown as a Kharif crop in the country. Dry and cool weather is suitable for the growth of maize. North-east Indian states producing maize are Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland. Some districts of West Bengal, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka also produce maize. Jowar is mainly grown in those areas where the average annual rainfall is less than 100 cm. This is particularly a rain-fed crop mainly cultivated in the states like Punjab, Haryana and Tamil Nadu, in Kharif as well as in Rabi season. Barley is considered to be a staple food crop grown mainly near and in the Himalayan region. Pulses Pulses are an important source of protein in the vegetarian diet and are widely used in different cuisines of the nation. Beans, dried peas and lentils come under the category of pulses. Other Food Crops Several oilseeds are also cultivated in India. These major oilseeds consist of groundnuts and mustard seeds. Vegetable oil is the most common means of cooking. Sugarcane is another popular Indian food crop. It is usually grown in north and south India. Sugar is considered to be a significant ingredient in regular food intake. Tea and coffee are the two most well-liked Indian food crops. Tea is mostly popular in north-eastern India, while coffee is extensively popular in south-western part of the country. Improvement in the Cultivation of Indian Food Crops Improvement in the cultivation of Indian food crops and stability achieved in the Indian food industry in the recent years can be attributed to factors like perfect alluvial soil, favorable climate and careful handling of food crops. Development in the irrigation system, rudimentary market infrastructure and advanced practices in agriculture can further improve the cultivation of Indian food crops. |