Gaj Singh Gaj Singh was the Maharaja of Bikaner from 1746 to 1787. During his reign, Jodhpur attacked Bikaner. Heavy casualty was inflicted by the Bikaner army on that of Jodhpur. Gaj Singh was given the privilege to mint his own coins by Emperor, Alamgir Second and this privilege continued until the death of Maharaja Dungar Singh. Raj Singh Raj Singh became the Maharaja of Bikaner in 1787. His rule is known to continue for 21 days after which his son, Pratap Singh was entitled the Maharaja. Pratap Singh Pratap Singh became the Maharaja of Bikaner in 1787. Surat Singh Surat Singh occupied the throne of Bikaner as a Maharaja in 1787 and continued to reign till 1828. His reign coincided with the reconciliation between Bikaner and Jodhpur and peace with the Jeypore Chief. The Bikaner Chief had defeated Bhatis of Bhatner at Dabli. Here, a fort was constructed namely, Fatehgarh. Bhatis of Bhatner later took control of the fort, but the Maharaja again captured it. Ratan Singh Ratan Singh was the Maharaja of Bikaner from 1828 to 1851. His reign coincided with the reconciliation between Jaisalmer and Bikaner. Maharaja Ratan Singh is known to take oath against female infanticide. Sardar Singh Sardar Singh was the Maharaja of Bikaner from 1851 to 1872. During his reign, Bikaner Darbar was granted Tibbi llaka. One lakh rupees was subscribed to the Mayo College at Ajmer by Sardar Singh. Even setting up of the civil, criminal and revenue courts took place during his rule. Dungar Singh Dungar Singh was the Maharaja of Bikaner from 1872 to 1887. During the Maharaja's rule, some of the developments which took place were the introduction of budget system, reorganization of the police department, establishment of nizamats, reformation of the Karkhanajat Department, establishment of New Angio Vernacular Schools, etc. Ganga Singh Ganga Singh was the Maharaja of Bikaner from 1887 to 1943. He is credited with the establishment of a Chief Court in Bikaner, a High Court with a Chief Justice and two sub-judges, etc. He became the first prince in Rajputana to have granted full charter of powers to a High Court. Sadul Singh Sadul Singh was the Maharaja of Bikaner from 1943 to 1947. He had joined the constituent assembly and played an important role in the unification of the country. |