Princely State of Lunagiri, also known as Lunagri state, was one of the former native states during the rule of the British Empire in India. During the early 19th century, the region was appointed as one of the princely states of India under the indirect rule of the British administration. The taluka was scattered over a total area of 0.75 sq miles and is a part of the Indian state of Gujarat. The region comprised of a total population of 86 in the year 1931. The erstwhile princely state of Lunagiri was incorporated as a part of the Baroda Agency, which was a sub division of the Western India States Agency. Later the region was merged with the state of Gujarat. The state of Lunagiri was under the administrative control of the erstwhile Western Kathiawar Agency and was also a part of Dhrafa Thana. The estate of Lunagiri consists of only a single village of Lunagiri.
Location of Princely State of Lunagiri
The princely state of Lunagiri was located around 32 miles towards the east of the village of Dhrafa. The territory was bordered by the princely state of Gondal in the north and south and by the princely state of Junagadh in the east and west. Dhrafa Thana covered a total area of 66 sq miles in the year 1931 and comprised of a total population of 14,067. The territory included 4 estates in western Kathiawar and all the estates were practically enclaves within the princely state of Nawanagar and geologically detached from each another.
History of Princely State of Lunagiri
The princely state of Lunagiri was claimed by more than one native prince who were formally addressed as shareholders. There were 14 such shareholders in the region. The shareholders of the state were primarily Charans who were granted the territory of Lunagiri as a benevolent endowment by the Vala Kathi darbars of the former Jetpur taluka. The rule of male primogeniture, by which the first born or eldest child of the same parents the first born or eldest child of the same parents, to the exclusion of all others, was followed in the succession of the throne or gadi of the princely state of Lunagiri.
Administration of Princely State of Lunagiri
Lunagiri state was mainly a non jurisdictionary princely state of India. The Thanadar of the princely state of Dhrafa exercised jurisdictional authority on the native state. According to the Attachment Scheme of 1943, the princely state of Lunagiri was attached to the princely state of Junagadh.
Accession of Princely State of Lunagiri
After the political withdrawal of the British Supremacy and the partition of India on 15th August 1947, the princely state of Lunagiri was acceded to the independent Dominion of India, which was also known as Union of India.