Patsari River
Patsari River is a small spring fed tributary of the Pabbar River and thus a distributary of River Yamuna.
Patsari River is a small spring fed tributary of the Pabbar River which in turn is a feeder of the Tons River. This river starts its journey as a spring emanating from the reservoir of underground water in the lower Himalayan hills near Kharapathar in Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh. The Patsari River flows along a steep gradient in a general direction towards north-east to merge with the Pabbar River near the mountain hamlet of Patsari about 10 km downstream of Rohru.
The main geomorphic features of this tract include interlocking spurs, V-shaped valley and terraces formed by the deposits laid down by the river in the past. Its bed is scattered with boulders of various sizes and colours. Fir, spruce, blue pine, deodar, oak and chir pine forests occur in the catchment of this river. Small villages and hamlets have come up
widely along this river.
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