Sree Poornathrayesa temple is situated in the region of Tripunithura in the city of Kochi in Kerala. The temple is considered among the greatest temples in Kerala. The idol is of Panchaloha and the Lord sits on Adisesha made of silver. The hood of the serpent forms a kind of umbrella over his head.
Legend of Poornathrayesa Temple
The Poornathrayesa Temple is associated with many miracles and legends. According to a legend there was a Brahmin Santanagopala residing in` Dwaraka. His nine children died as soon as they were born. Every time depressing incident took place, the helpless Brahmin took the dead child to the doors of the Lord and lamented cursing that his child died because the ruler was greedy, wicked and spent his time in sensual pleasures. During the ninth time Arjuna who was sitting with the Lord assured the Brahmin that he would protect the child failing which he would jump into fire. However, the ninth child died. Hence Arjuna took the dead child in his arms and he prepared himself to jump into a huge fire. At that moment Lord Krishna appeared and took Arjuna in his chariot to Vaikuntha. There they together bowed to the Lord and he said that he was eager to see the both of them hence he brought the Brahmin`s children. He then returned back all the children of the Brahmin. Arjuna returned with all the children and also carried with him the idol of Lord Krishna. He then searched for a place to install the idol. He found a sacred place at Tripunithura, near Ernakulam, the meeting place of the three Vedas, Rig Veda, Yajur Veda and Sama Veda and constructed a temple there.
According to the legend the Brahmin from Dwaraka who got back his dead children came to the place and became the chief priest of the temple. The place where Arjuna installed the idol was surrounded by a thick growth of sesame. He gathered a few seeds, crushed them and lighted a lamp with the oil. Thus the offering of gingeli oil became most important here.
Festivals of Poornathrayesa Temple
Poornathrayesa Temple celebrates three festivals on a grand scale every year. During this time the temple is beautifully decorated with lights and flowers. The first festival is celebrated in the month of Chingom i.e. August-September. It is celebrated for 8 days from Swati to Thiruvonam asterisms. The second festival is celebrated in the month of Vrischikam i.e. November-December and is celebrated for 15 days. The third festival is celebrated in Kumbham i.e. February-March that lasts for 8 days.