Pramathanath Mitra
Pramathanath Mitra was a Bengali barrister and an Indian revolutionary. He was also one of the earliest founding members of Anushilan Samiti, an Indian revolutionary organisation.
Pramathanath Mitra, popularly known as P. Mitra, was one of the most renowned Indian freedom fighters and revolutionaries who fought against the rule of the British Empire in India. Mitra was born on 30th October 1853. He was also a well known Bengali barrister. Pramathanath Mitra, also known as Pramatha Nath Mitra, was also one of the earliest founding members of Anushilan Samiti, an Indian revolutionary organisation that emerged in Bengal. Anushilan Samiti, which literally meant self culture association, was a secret anti-British armed revolutionary organisation in Bengal. The members of the association were dedicated towards the goal of attaining freedom from British dominion through armed revolution.
Pramathanath Mitra died in the year 1910. He significantly contributed to the Indian freedom struggle through out his life.
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