The religious books say that, Yamuna is the companion of Lord Shri Krishna. Gokula, the divine dwelling of the Lord is the home of Yamuna. Source of Yamuna River at YamunotriIt is that, the river first went round Shri Krishna before descending down to earth according to the order of her Lord. RiverYamuna came to be called as "Kalindi" as she touched the peak of Kalind. Then she descended down the hills and reached the plains at Khandav Vana, which has been urbanized as Delhi city now. According to tradition, Yamuna and Yama are believed to be the daughter of Sun God 'Surya'. Hence she is considered pure and whoever takes a dip in her holy waters of the source stream of Yamuna may not have fear of death. The rivers Ganga and Yamuna along with the now dried Saraswati are the most revered rivers in India. Yamuna, according to the legends, is the daughter of the Sun God and the sister of Yama, the God of Death. This river is also closely associated to Mahabharata and Lord Krishna. His father Vasudeva crossed the Yamuna with baby Lord Krishna for a safer place. It is said that Lord Krishna played along with his cowherd friends on the banks of river Yamuna during his childhood. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |