Maharaja Sawai Jagat Singh
Maharaja Sawai Jagat Singh of the Kachwaha clan served as the ruler of Jaipur.
Maharaja Sawai Jagat Singh ascended to the throne of Jaipur on 3rd August, 1803 at the age of 17. During his rule the state remained free from the attacks of Maratha Empire and Mughal Dynasty. However the state got involved in a dispute with Marwar (Jodhpur) on a point of honour. This led to a rival feeling between the two states. Later it however, ended in peace and a matrimonial alliance. An important event that took place during the beginning of his reign was the signing of an alliance on 12, December 1803 with the British. According to the treaty Jaipur would be free from Maratha depredations. Later after Lord Wellesley's resigned from his position, the Governor General, George Barlow cancelled the treaty. George Barlow was an advocate of the policy of non-interference. As a result the territories of the state were invaded by the Marathas and by Amir Khan Pindari. This continued until the historic treaty of 1818 was signed. This indicated 'defensive alliance, perpetual friendship, protection and subordinate cooperation' with the British.
Sawai Jagat Singh had a strong affinity towards the arts and crafts. He also had interest towards sports as well as in literature. All the factories that flourished in Jaipur thrived with activity and life under his rule. Many painters prospered in the Suratkhana, a number of paintings depicting Durbar scenes and Zenana Majlis were painted. Painter Sahib Ram painted a life size portrait of him. Sawai Jagat Singh died at the young age of 32.
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