Agnistoma is an annual ceremony that originally takes place in spring but performed in other parts of the year. This rite could be done on a single day but it might last much longer and be developed into a very complicated and expensive ritual. This also involves the pressing of soma and animal slaughter. These rituals could be performed by ordinary tribesmen of the Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya castes. The effects of these sacrifices on political attitudes have been felt all through the history of India. The Rajasuya sacrifice was a royal sanctification ceremony and it was considered that a king who had not performed this ritual was not a true king. It is believed that these rituals raised him to a divine status. After the success of this the vajapeya sacrifice is performed which is a complex and expensive process. Here the King's strength needs to be proved. This is considered as a rejuvenation ceremony. Ashvamedha is a horse sacrifice ceremony which is also a bit difficult and expensive. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |