Conduct of corporation mainly highlights to the behaviour of the groups of associates who can either sand as an enemy or as allies. Two well known corporations of the period was the corporations of warriors (kshatriyasrem) of Kambhoja, and Surashtra, and other countries live by agriculture, trade and wielding weapons. The corporations of Lichchhivika, Vrjika, Mallaka, Madraka, Kukura, Kuru, Pafichala and others live by the title of a Raja. As mentioned in Arthashastra the association of various corporations was considered favourable as it was said that association of corporations is better than association of army. Further spies also had a major role to play by enabling access in these corporations through which they can collect information regarding hatred, jealousy and other causes of conflict. This explains the method of owing seeds of dissension within each camp. Along with many more factors dissension crops up due to inherent dissatisfaction and comparison which is usually searched out by a close network of spies .Thus it becomes the responsibility of the ruler to protect his corporation from such harming external factors which may force them to split. Overall it is advised by Arthashastra to the chief of a corporation to lead a virtuous life which may stand as an ex ample for others and can provide maximum security to its own corporation by simply remaining alert. Thus Conduct of Corporation in Book XI of Arthashastra denotes those factors which exist along with the war and its reactions. These factors later on become strong enough to harm relationship. |