History states that the Chola kings were alleged to belong to the tribe of Tiraiyar or 'Men of the Sea'. In the Markandeya Purana, Vayu Purana and Matsya Puranas, the Cholas are mentioned along with the Pandyas and Keralas. In Ramayana, Sugriva is described as sending his monkey followers to the countries of the Cholas, Pandyas and Keralas in quest of Sita. The rock edicts of Ashoka has mentioned that the Cholas, Pandyas, Ketalaputras and Satiyaputras as forming ' prachamta' or outlying provinces outside his empire. They were on friendly terms with him. The Cholas, like the Pandyas, are spoken of in the plural in all the versions of the Asokan edicts, and this has been held to imply that in Asoka's time there were more than one Chola and one Pandya King. According to the historical account it can be said that the early history of the Chola country is obscure. About the beginning of the Christian era the Chola king was Peru-nar-Killi. His son was Ilanjet-Senni whose son was Karikal, a vigorous ruler, under whom the Colas became the leading power of the south. He had defeated an allied army of the Cheras and Pandyas and had made an expedition to the north. At home he suppressed the turbulent Ayar, Aravalar, Kurumbar and Oliyar. He made his capital at Kaveri-pattinam on the Kaveri and he secured it from flood by raising the banks of the river as well as by making canals. From the Cholas the hegemony of the south passed to the Cheras and later to the Pandyas. The latter were ousted by the Pallavas, who later on became the suzerain power of Southern India. |