Initially named the Raj Kapoor Award for Lifetime Achievement, after the legendary film personality Raj Kapoor, it was first presented in the year 1991, to the legendary megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who with his work had earned nationwide phenomenal popularity and acclaim, after contributing to Hindi films for a span of over two decades by then. Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award at 61st Filmfare Awards In the 61st edition of Filmfare Awards held in January, 2016, actress Moushumi Chatterjee was honoured with the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award. Her illustrious career in films spans nearly 50 years, having acted in Bollywood as well as in Bengali films, both as lead heroine and supporting actress. Her on-screen pairings with the likes of Rajesh Khanna, Shashi Kapoor, Jeetendra, Sanjeev Kumar and Vinod Mehra were popular and she was the third highest paid Hindi film actress in 1973-1978. She was last seen in the 2015 comedy drama film ‘Piku’, alongside Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Irrfan Khan, as Chhobi Mashi, the maternal aunt of Deepika Padukone’s character Piku. The film was directed by Shoojit Sircar, who also presented her the Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award. List of Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award recipients The recipients of the esteemed Filmfare Lifetime Achievement Award since its first presentation in 1991 are enlisted hereunder.