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Chalukya Sculptures
Chalukya sculptures evolved a new idiom for the construction of several temples and are renowned for their exquisite architectural marvels.
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Chalukya Dynasty ruled to a larger extent of southern and central India. The rule of Chalukyas was a golden age in the history of Karnataka with great developments in South Indian literature and architecture.
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 South Indian Sculptures
Types of South Indian Sculptures are categorized with the social and religious life of Hindus during the rule of Pallavas, Cholas and Rashtrakutas.
 Temple Sculpture of Khajuraho
Temple Sculpture of Khajuraho is composed of finely grained stone; this temple pragmatically endorses the eroticism. Khajuraho Temple is located in Central India in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
 Sculpture of Konark Temple
The temple is designed to achieve the shape of a colossal chariot with seven horses and twelve wheels of the Sun God. The temple of the Sun at Konark is magnificent in its construction and if often referred to as the “Black Pagoda”.
 Saptamatrika Sculptures of South India
The Saptamatrika is a South Indian sculpture that is said to contain energies of the deities of the Hindu pantheon. Saptamatrika Sculptures of South India dates back to 3rd century B.C. In most of the ancient temples of South India, the sculptures of the Saptamatrikas are found.
 Khajuraho Erotic Figures
Khajuraho Erotic sculptures are an integral feature of the Khajuraho Temple. However, the erotic carvings have been done only outside the temple. These temples are one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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Chalukya Sculptures
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