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The Economic Times
The Economic Times has ranked as India`s largest financial daily and the world`s second largest financial daily. It is an English-language, Indian daily newspaper.

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The Economic Times, Indian MediaThe Economic Times is an English-language Indian daily newspaper which has ranked as India`s largest financial daily and the world`s second largest financial daily. It is the world`s second-most widely read English-language business newspaper. It is published simultaneously from 12 cities Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Chandigarh, and Pune.

History of The Economic Times
The Economic Times is an English-language, Indian daily newspaper published by the Bennett, Coleman and Co. Limited. The Economic Times began publication from 1961 and now it is the world`s second-most extensively read English-language business newspaper, after the Wall Street Journal. P.S. Hariharan was the first editor of The Economic Times.

Editors of The Economic Times
Following are the editors of The Economic Times:
•P.S. Hariharan
•DK Rangnekar
•Hannan Ezekiel
•T. N. Ninan
•Swaminathan Anklesaria Aiyar
•Jaideep Bose
•Rajrishi Singhal and Rahul Joshi
•Rahul Joshi
•Bodhisatva Ganguli

Coverage of The Economic Times
The Economic Times covers news related to the Indian economy, share prices, prices of commodities. The Economic Times uses salmon pink paper, which is recycled paper. The main paper comes with different supplements on various weekdays. Brand Equity comes every Wednesday that deals with marketing, advertising, media and market research. Corporate Dossier appears every Friday, which focuses on management and strategy. Economic Times Travel is a weekly coloured supplement, which covers travel and tourism and focuses on Indians who want to know the travel destinations in their country as well as in the rest of the world. The Economic Times is headquartered in Mumbai at The Times of India building. Its main substance is based on the Indian economy, international finance, share prices, prices of commodities with other matters related to finance.

In June 2009, it launched a television channel called ET Now.

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