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Museums of Sikkim
Museums of Sikkim are the best way to learn about the history, culture and society of the land. The museums are a window into the majestic past of the land.
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 Municipal Museum
Municipal Museum in Gwalior, established in 1922 at Moti Mahal Campus, houses an eclectic collection ranging from natural history specimens to intricate artifacts reflecting Gwalior`s rich heritage.
 Botany Museum
Botanical Garden/Museum in Gorakhpur, affiliated with Digvijai Nath P.G College, stands as a verdant sanctuary of biodiversity and educational enrichment. Spanning 3600 square feet, it boasts over 150 live specimens, two greenhouses and a thoughtful organization based on geographical origins.
 Anatomy Museum
Anatomy Museum in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, established in 1923, showcases a remarkable collection of human anatomy specimens and rare artifacts. Notable exhibits include intricately sculpted ivory and rosewood skeletons dating back to the early 19th century.
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Museums of Sikkim
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