Pariyanempatta Bhagavathi Temple celebrates many festivals on a grand scale attracting pilgrims from different locations. Pooramaholsavam is one of the famous festivals observed on Kumbham. Prior to the celebration of this festival Moorthiyaatom is organised that forms a special feature of the temple. In the month of Makara vela is celebrated. The celebration of Pooramaholsavam commences on 1st Kumbha along with the hoisting of the flag of the temple. Vishuvilakku, another important festival is celebrated on 1st of Medom. During the month of Karkitaka Laksharchana is also organised by the temple authorities. Besides this, Karthika Vilakku is celebrated in Karthika during which several engrossing programmes are arranged by the temple, attracting the attention of the devotees visiting the shrine. Pariyanempatta Bhagavathi Temple is well connected by various modes of transport. It is almost 17 kms away from Ottapalam on Ottapalam-Mannarkad route and 30 kms away from Palghat on Palghat-Cherpulachery route. Tourists can board buses plying from different metropolis for the town. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |