Legend of Gurudwara Tirgarh Sahib As per the stories, Raja Bhim Chand of Kahlur asked for some trained elephants from Guruji, who was at that time in Paonta Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh did not agree to give his animals, resulting Raja Bhim Chand started to annoy him. Raja Bhim Chand along with Raja Fateh Chand of Garhwal and many other Rajas of the Shivalik Hills decided to fight against Guru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh on his part came to know of their plan and made preparations for a showdown. He came forward to Bhangani to meet the invaders. Hence, the Battle of Bhangani took place which was later won by Guru Gobind Singh. Celebrations at Gurudwara Tirgarh Sahib On every Baisakhi, a fair is organized in the gurudwara to celebrate the victorious battle of Bhangani. The Gurudwara is an epitome of bravery and is frequently visited by many devotees who come to pay homage to Paonta Sahib. How to Reach Gurudwara Tirgarh Sahib Gurudwara Tirgarh Sahib can be approached by bus from Paonta Sahib. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com |