Society of Zeliang Naga Tribes The Zeliang Nagas are divided into four exogamous clans - Gangmei, Kammei, Gonmei and Longmei. Some clans are further divided into several sub-clans. The Zeliang do not have a youth dormitory system. They are also very particular about the education of their children. They prefer to send their children in mission schools for better and proper education. Monogamy is the common form of marriage but polygamy is not completely prohibited. Christian Zeliang does not observe traditional marriage system. The forms of marriage prevailed in the Zeliang society are Kanei-pi-kadomei, Kakhaomei, Tankhi, Tanpui-Tappu and Nauman. Economic Life of Zeliang Naga Tribes The Zeliang Naga Tribes practice wet cultivation or Panikheti and terraced cultivation. They also practice Jhum cultivation though they prefer Panikheti. It has been noticed that the women are more laborious than men. Women go to the fields early in the morning after finishing their household works, while the men stay at home. Various agriculture products are grown in their Jhum field. They produce food grains, vegetables and cash crops. Maize, millet, tapioca are also grown. Potatoes have been also introduced. Supplying fire wood is one of the main occupations of the Zeliang Nagas. Weaving is the traditional household industry of the Zeliang. Besides weaving they are exceptionally skilled in handicrafts like bamboo works, cane works, pottery and black smithy and so on. Religion of Zeliang Naga Tribes The non-Christian Zeliangs believe in spirits and offer gifts and sacrifices to different malevolent and benevolent spirits of a jungle. Their traditional religion is social and individual in character. It is very practical and revolves round the needs of the people. They believe in fairy. Many have accepted the religion of Christianity. The people continue following some of the traditional practices despite adopting Christianity. Festivals of Zeliang Naga Tribes Zeliangs have several festivals and most of them are communal though some are individual in character. The Hega festival is one of the most important and the biggest festival amongst the Zeliang community. Chega Gadi is another important and popular festival of the Zeliang people, being celebrated by the forefathers and still being celebrated up to this date. The Liangmai community celebrate this festival usually at the last part of Chegahui i.e. October. The Zeliang tribe also observe a festival known as ‘Nga-Ngai’. Both men and women are involved in dancing during this festival. The Zeliang people are good dancers compared to other Naga Tribes. |