Mercury is regarded as the sperm of Lord Shiva and in Ayurveda it as a flowing metalloid. Ancient Vedas has considered it as the most pure and auspicious metal which not only has religious importance but medical importance too. Mercury benefits have been proved beneficial from Astrological as well as Scientific. It is said in Brahma Purana that he who worships parad idols devotedly, whether one is male or female, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya or Shudra gets full worldly pleasures, and at last attains supreme target. During life span they get glory, honour, high office, name and fame, sons, grandsons and learning. "Parad Shivling" is made of mercury, lead and silver. It is very solid and heavy in nature. Benefits of Mercury Beads According to the ancients Yogis Parad helps in controlling various diseases. Mercury Beads have various benefits which are as- Tips to Get Benefits from Mercury Beads Mercury beads, as suggested by the ancient saints, are very effective. Some of its uses are listed below: Medical Benefits of Mercury Beads Wearing of mercury bead helps in controlling various diseases like Asthma and increase the Sex Power. It has special significance in Ayurveda too. The bead of mercury shall be worn around the neck or waist. One can enumerate the benefits we derive by using and wearing Rasamani as under: Mineral Discovery by Mercury Beads In order to know the type of mineral (like gold, silver, copper, iron etc) mixed in any kind of fruit, flower, plant, leaves, stone or water, solid mercury beads should be immersed in water or squeezed juice of that commodity, for one hour and the referred mineral will gradually change the colour of the bead. One will notice that the mercury bead has taken the colour of the mineral blended in that product. Matter Technology by Mercury Beads Generally, a body of each person is formed of one definite matter like sky, air, fire, water and earth, according to their planetary birth-time. The other four types of matter stay as balancing elements in the same body. In order to know this specific element, mercury bead should be worn around the neck. When the bead becomes dirty with perspiration, it changes its colour into blue, violet, red, white or green, depending upon the above-mentioned five principal matters. This colour will specify the particular matter in the body. This experience can be earned only when the body is sweating during summer season. |
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