Career of Prashant Malviya Prashant Malviya had his First class cricket life span only from 2003 to 2004. He debuted in Twenty20 matches in April 3, 2007 against Railways at Jaipur. He has played a total of 3 matches scoring 60 runs. His highest score in these matches is 34 runs. His batting average in these matches is 30.00 and his striking rate is 125.00. The last Twenty20 match he played was again at Jaipur but was against Vidarbha. In First Class matches, Prashant Malviya played total 7 matches and scored total 76 runs. His highest in first-class match was 17 run and average is 7.6. Prashant Malviya has played total 14 'List A' matches total score is 303 runs. His highest score is 70 runs. His batting average in these matches is 27.54 and his striking rate is 63.65. He played his last 'List A' match against Rajasthan at Indore, Feb 21, 2009. Batting and Fielding Averages of Prashant Malviya
Bowling Averages of Prashant Malviya
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