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Aarthie Ramaswamy
Aarthi Ramaswamy was born in 1981 and was grandmaster in chess.
Recently Updated Articles in Chess
 Viswanathan Anand
Vishwanathan Anand, being the first "Indian Grandmaster" in Chess, has come a long way and yet rules the roost in Chess.
 Indian Chess Players
Indian Chess Players have already established themselves in the international level. Some of these Indian Chess players are now running the chess academies to educate young talents in chess.
 Female Chess Players of India
Female Chess Players in India are promoting themselves in the world chess by winning many national and international tournaments.
 Male Chess Players in India
Male Chess players in India played almost vital role in bringing the pride of the country in the international level in Chess. Aman Sharma, SL Narayanan, Debashis Das, Akshayraj Kore and Sahaj Grover are the newest grandmaster in the last decade.
 Indian Chess Tournaments
Indian Chess tournaments are playing a crucial role in upbringing talented young chess players in the world of chess. These chess tournaments also help the players for having good practice in the midst of pressure.
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Aarthie Ramaswamy
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