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Yoga for Gall Bladder Stone
Yoga for Gall Bladder is considered helpful in toning up the liver and gall bladder and helps in keeping the system clean.

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Yoga for Gall Bladder StoneYoga is considered as an effective method for treatment of gall bladder stones. Exercise is important for treating gall bladder stones, as physical inactivity is one of the main causes of lazy gall-bladder type indigestion and eventually result in the formation of stones. Various yoga asanas are suggested for treatment of gall bladder stones and they are considered as helpful in toning up the liver and gall bladder.

There is a famous saying, `Prevention is better than cure`. Although people try to prevent diseases, majority of them realises it after they are affected by the same. Therefore before getting the details for Gall Bladder treatment through yoga, it`s important to know about the disease. The gall bladder stores bile which is secreted by the liver and helps in the digestion and absorption of fats and minerals. The disturbance in the composition of the bile can cause inflammation that irritates the lining of the gall bladder, which leads to stone formation. If a person experiences nausea, indigestion, Constipation, Gas, Disturbed vision as well as anaemia, acne, dizziness and intolerance to Fats, then he or she must consult a doctor about gall bladder disorders. Gall bladder disorders are caused by digestive disturbance, excessive intake of fats and carbohydrates, hereditary factors and stress and poor health.

Daily exercise and fitness regimen can also help in curing Gall Bladder disorders. Some of the most commonly used Yogic Asanas for treating Gall Bladder stones include Sarvangasana, Paschimot-Tasanana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, etc. can tone up liver and helps to keep the Gall Bladder in good shape.

The Yoga poses can cure Gall Bladder stones naturally without any surgical applications. Breathing exercises like Kapalbhati, Ujjayi and Anuloma Viloma can also help in getting rid of the symptoms.

The asanas used to cure Gall Bladder stones are as follows:

Sarvangasana or shoulder stand is one of the most important yoga asana. The person need to first lie on the back with his or her hands under the mid-back, then lift his or her legs and lower body, so that the weight of the body is supported on the head, neck, upper back and arms. The person needs to look at the toes while in this position.
Yoga for Gall Bladder Stone

•In Shalabhasana or locust pose, the person need to raise the left leg from the waist, keeping it straight in the knee. The person should Keep the toe stretched and breathe normally. This asana activates the blood circulation as well as the small and big intestine and some enzyme producing glands.

•In Dhanurasana or Bow pose, the person need to lie on his or her belly, hold the feet and lift the legs into the shape of a bow. The person`s abdomen and back muscles are strengthened through this position.

•In Bhujangasana or cobra position, the person needs to lie down on the floor in a face down position. Then place the hands on the floor, parallel to the shoulders and raise the upper body while applying pressure on the floor with the hands. The person`s legs need to be firmly kept on the ground. This yoga posture strengthens the spine, stretches the abdomen, shoulders, chest and lungs, firms the buttocks and relieves stress.

•In Paschimotasana or the back-stretching posture, the person need to sit in a comfortable position with the legs outstretched. Then bend the head to touch the knees and exhale completely. Hold the toes with the fingers. One can maintain this position for some time, exhaling and inhaling deeply. This asana stimulates the liver, pancreas and kidney.

Eating habits or diet plays an important role in curing any kind of diseases. The most effective gall bladder remedy is to improve the diet and substitute ordinary cooking fat with either Olive oil or Sunflower oil. Smaller stones can be removed by maintaining proper diet. Drinking of water on a regular basis and in large amount and consuming juices and soups helps in cleaning up the liver system. Intake of fruits like Lemons, Oranges and Grapefruit should be included in the diet. The acids content in the fruits helps in dissolving the stone naturally. Yoghurt and Cottage Cheese are also good for Gall Bladder conditions. Fatty foods with high calorie content should be avoided.

Yoga not only makes life disease free but it is actually a whole new way of looking towards life. The Gall Bladder stone is one of the most occurred diseases that has risen in leaps and bounces over the last few years. The food habits can be sited as one of the most important aspects of Gall Bladder stone occurrences. Yoga helps in curing the disease naturally through proper asanas and controlled food habits.

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