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Yoga For Anxiety
Yoga For Anxiety involves practice of asanas, kriyas, mudras, meditation and recitation of Om mantra.

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Yoga For AnxietyAnxiety is a central cause of Neurosis and is commonly seen as a result of excessive psychosomatic stress. Anxiety is the normal reaction to the anticipated thinking related to the future about self, loved ones and the life, career, earnings etc. Certain amount of anxiety is normal that motivates the individual for planning and execution of the systematic work. Chronic anxiety is responsible for many other psychosomatic disorders like hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, obesity, asthma, and diabetes. Heredity, constant emotional disturbance, fear or fright in especially neglected or overprotected children and youngsters, unsuccessful love affair, disappointment on failure in one`s important endeavours, anticipatory fear or worry about work and journey are some of the causes of anxiety. One of the major problems with anxiety is that though many times the patient is aware of the causes but is helpless in treating it. If not properly treated in an early stage the condition may lead to the development of neurosis.

There are several symptoms of anxiety. Usually the patient feels constantly anxious. There is a feeling of tightness in the chest, which may be associated with the difficulty in swallowing or breathing. The patient may also experience pain in the chest, tension headache, pain in the joints and trembling in the limbs, tremors in hands and fingers, excessive perspiration, flushing of the face are some of the symptoms. Accelerated thoracic breathing, difficulty in rational thinking, lack of concentration and frequent urination are other important symptoms. Systolic blood pressure may rise up to 140-150 mmHg.

Yoga For Anxiety Shifting of awareness consciously from thoracic breathing to the abdominal breathing helps a lot in reducing anxiety. Diversion of thought process, humor or participation in children`s play relieves the tensions and anxiety. Besides these kriyas also form an important part of yogic treatments. Jala neti, Trataka and mild Agnisara can be performed by people prone to anxiety. Yoga asanas, such as, Vipritakarani, Ardha-halasana, Pavana muktasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Ardha-shalabhasana, Vakrasana, Parvatasana, Gomukhasana, Chakrasana, Tadasana, Trikonasana, Vrikshasana, Shavasana are also helpful. Practice of Surya-namaskar is also advised.

Brahmamudra, Uddiyana bandha, Anuloma-Viloma, Bhramari, Ujjayi, mediatation and the recitation of Om mantra 10 times also help to alleviate anxiety.

Certain precautions can also prevent the development of anxiety. For instance, one should never neglect his feelings and experiences. During asanas the attention should be focused on the breathing process. Regularity, patience, perseverance and belief in yoga practices are absolutely necessary for curing anxiety through yogic treatments. It is important to express one"s emotions. They should not be suppressed. Positive thinking also helps.

Diet plays a significant role as well. An individual is advised to have light and easily digestible diet. Milk and milk products, rice, curd, banana, sour fruits and fried items should be avoided. Warm water instead of frequent tea or coffee should be taken.

In case of panic situation one must concentrate on the abdominal breathing, particularly, on the complete exhalation. When the mind is restless, worried, if possible walking in the green woods is recommended. Another way of avoiding anxiety is to remain engaged in some constructive work.

DISCLAIMER - The Yoga asanas prescribed above should be strictly performed under the supervision of an experienced Yoga teacher.

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