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Transcendental Meditation Center
It was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to teach the people the procedures of Transcendental Meditation.

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The Transcendental Meditation Center or Maharishi Shiksha Sansthan is located at Maharishi Nagar in Noida, UttarPradesh. The center is located at the lush green backdrop of capital Delhi. This serene environment provides enormous peace to the visitors who suffer from stress.

Maharishi Mahesh yogi - Founder of the Maharishi Veda MissionThe Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a natural procedure and effortless technique by which the mind naturally arrives at the source of thought and the settled state of mind. The Transcendental consciousness is the pure consciousness or self-referral consciousness that is the source of all creative processes. The Transcendental meditation is practiced regularly for fifteen to twenty minutes in every morning and evening with sitting comfortably with the closed eyes. During the transcendental meditation, the individual`s personal awareness settles down and the person experiences a unique state of restful alertness. The body is deeply relaxed in this method and the mind transcends all mental awareness to experience a total relaxation and calmness.

Maharishi Mahesh yogi was the founder of the Maharishi Veda Mission, who introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world about forty years back. He introduced millions of people of India and abroad with a new method of enlightenment.

There are many courses in the major programs of the ashram. The TM Sidhi program is the primary course of the Transcendental Meditation Center that offers the peace of heaven in earth as it trains the mind to function with consciousness and trains a self-referrel state of pure consciousness. It teaches the awareness to work in the self-interacting style as the intelligence of nature. Working at this level an individual becomes master over the law of nature.

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