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News Agencies in India
News agencies in India supply news to various media houses like television, newspapers and broadcasting media as well.

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News Agencies in India, Indian PressNews agencies in India can be referred to as the banks of news. They are the major source of supply and circulation of information within and among countries. News agencies in India are organisations of journalists established in different zones of the nation to provide news reports to organisations in the news trade. Houses providing newspapers, magazines, and radio and television broadcasters use the news agencies as the larger sources for news. News agencies in India may also be referred to as a wire service, newswire or news service.

There are many news agencies in India that collect news and give them accordingly to the other news houses to finally reach out to the mass. Lately, many news agencies provide specialised services. They collect and disseminate news in the restricted areas of business, stock exchange, tourist information, weather reports, and scientific news and so on. The rapid development for the need of visual news gave birth to special type of news agencies that supply photos, television programmes and documentary films. However, majority of Indian news agencies deal with print news that is circulated in various broadcasting houses.

The Press Trust of India Limited is India`s largest news agency that provides subscription services and offers national news, international, business and sports news in India and abroad. Asia News Agency (P) Ltd is a diplomatic news consulting service in India, covering news on Indian polity, Indian economy, Indian security, foreign policy, editorial news, Bollywood, government issues, sports, weather and other national and international issues. Press Information Bureau is the pivotal agency of the Government to disseminate information to the print and electronic media on the various government policies, programmes, initiatives and achievements. Press Trust of India is India`s largest news agency; it is a non-profit sharing cooperative owned by the country`s newspapers.

News Agencies in India, Indian Press Central News Agency Limited is another news agency working in India that offers subscription services, door delivery for newspapers and magazines and also wholesale distribution and exporting of Indian magazines, newspapers, books, audio and video cassettes and CD-ROMs. Express Media Service is particularly a Hindi news agency offering regional, special news, sports, state news, business and international news in 12 Indian languages.

Indo-Asian News Service or the IANS is not only India`s only news agency with a growing international reach but is also a brilliant content, knowledge and publishing outsource for Indian publications and institutions all around the world. They are the one-stop content provider on news and information from India, South Asia and the vast Indian subcontinent. KBK is India`s pioneering and leading daily News Graphics agency that provides comprehensive coverage of news through graphics. Kashmir Media service is a full-fledged news agency working on Kashmir ensuring instant coverage of every day events in Indian held Kashmir. National News Service is a news agency for agribusiness that provides daily trading prices and news for 1500 agri commodities, Indian trade journalism and providing content to all national dailies and significant TV news channels.

The news agencies in India work with various departments to exploit each and every news arenas for all kinds of target audiences. Although, majority of hard news is harnessed in the news agencies, however, interesting features are also dealt with. The news agencies in India are known for their authenticity and detailed research. Many more news agencies are working in India in vernacular presses that cater to the regional audience with bountiful local issues of interest.

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