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Natural Remedy for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Natural Remedy for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome in naturopathy prescribes the patient to keep away from hard work and stressful situation.

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Natural Remedy for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, Indian NaturopathyNatural remedy for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) depends on the severity of the symptoms. In case of mild symptoms, the difficulty can be solved by an alteration of routine. Extra work and hectic situation should be avoided. The patient"s partner and family members should be educated about all the aspects of the Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. The patient should not take any oral contraceptives as these may cause fluid retention and lowering of the plasma levels.

Diet Therapy for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Diet pays an imperative role in preventing Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Hormonal discrepancy and infections of the uterus can be helped by a natural diet schedule. Most women feel tension arising from chronic constipation, so it is necessary to treat this condition first. Constipation can be relieved by a tepid water enema and moderate intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables and simple fibrous meals.

The patient should avoid refined sugars, coffee, tea, tobacco, other stimulants, oily or spicy food and all meats. Fluids should be reasonably restricted and care should be taken not to add extra salt to the food.

Home Remedies for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome can be a monthly inconvenience, but with some small precautions and simple home remedies, its negative effects can be greatly lessened, and, in some cases, even eliminated altogether.

•Oatmeal breaks down slowly and gradually releases sugar into the bloodstream. This slow, steady release combats the sugar craving that comes with PMS. Bread, pasta, basmati rice and fruit produce the same effect.
•Pasta is enriched with magnesium, which is important for normal hormonal function. A lack of magnesium may be the cause of muscle cramps.
•Bananas are rich in potassium. They can relieve the bloating and swelling of water retention that comes with PMS. Other foods such as figs, black currants, potatoes, broccoli, onions and tomatoes are potassium-rich too.
•Cherries are an Ayurvedic remedy to relieve PMS symptoms, including bloating and mood swings. Take 10 fresh cherries on an empty stomach each day for one week before the start of the menstrual period.
•Add a pinch of black pepper to 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel, and take 3 times a day with meals to relieve symptoms such as backache and abdominal pain. Natural Remedy for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, Indian Naturopathy

Bath Therapy for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Other treatment for the Pre-Menstrual Syndrome includes normal cold hip baths for 10 to 15 minutes twice a day. Tension will also be dissipated with this therapy. Hot foot baths followed by a cold compress to the lower abdomen and the inner surfaces of the thighs also help to ease uterine congestion and tension. If the cold hip bath is not feasible, a wet girdle pack applied twice a day on empty stomach is very advantageous for clearing up uterine congestion and improving bowel function.

Exercise for Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
A regular practice of yoga asanas, especially those recommended for strengthening the genito-urinary system will be very functional in overcoming Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. These asanas are Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Vajrasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Paschimottanasana and Trikonasana. Other helpful measures are brisk walks and abdominal exercises which are good for intensification the abdominal muscles and pelvic organs. Mental composure is an important factor. Negative mental attitudes like fear, worry, anger, jealousy, nervousness and inferiority complex should be eliminated by positive thinking and meditation.

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