Nagayana is an Indian comics series featuring Nagraj and Super Commando Dhruva, published and distributed by Raj Comics in 2007, as a crossover event. The series deals with the alternate future of the two most popular Raj Comics superheroes. The first title of the Nagayana series was titled as Varan Kaand and was launched in June 2007. It was supposed to conclude by Diwali, but the publishing house release other comics in between and the Nagayana series finally concluded in the year 2009. The finale title was named Iti Kand and was published in March 2009. The Nagayana series featured Nagraj and Super Commando Dhruva, as well as other characters in different designs.
The over all look of the characters were improved to fit the story and the timeline of the series. Nagayana was also illustrated very stylishly and the quality of artwork, graphics and colours were enhanced in order to compete with the other contemporary Indian comics like Virgin Comics, Vimanika Comics etc.
Concept of Nagayana
The Nagayana series is inspired and adapted from the Indian Epic Ramayana. The story is set in the future and starts from the 2023 AD. The series brings together the 2 most famous superheroes in Raj Comics universe, namely Nagraj and Super Commando Dhruva. Nagraj is featured in a character that is much similar to the character of Prince Rama and Super Commando Dhruva has a role that resembles Rama`s younger brother Prince Lakshmana. Naagpasha, the evil uncle of Nagraj is the equivalent of Ravana in the series. The character of Naagpasha has been segmented into 3 different personalities namely, the Brutal Kroorpasha, the coward Bheerupaasha and the ever sleeping Suptpaasha, a version of Kumbhakarna from Ramayana. This division of personalities has occurred as a result of an experiment by his teacher Gurudev. Naagpaasha is depicted as deriving powers from a Black Hole known as Mahakaal Chhidra. Although the concept is loosely based on the Hindu epic, but Nagayana has several differences with the original Ramayana.
Both characters of Nagraj and Super Commando Dhruva have undergone many changes in the alternate futuristic timeline. Both the leading characters are married in the series. In 2023 AD, Nagraj got is married to Bharti as a legal arrangement in order to assure that the management and control of Bharti Communications, which is Nagraj`s media corporation, stays with him through Bharti. His alter ego, Raj is the Public Relations Officer in the organisation. In later stages of the series, Nagraj is also married to Visarpi in order to make the entire clan of Icchadari Nagas (Snakes) his allies. The character of Super Commando Dhruva is married to Natasha who is the daughter of his arch enemy and they have a son named Rishi. It is shown in the series that their marriage lasted only for 60 months. By the climax of Varan Kaand, the first part of Nagayana, Natasha procures divorce on the very first hearing. The Divorce announcement was given ex-parte and was finalised in absence of Dhruva.
Furthermore, an ally of Nagpaasha named Nagina has apparently fabricated court records and created false precedents. She also appeared as Natasha`s lawyer Gina. The judge was unable to remember any of the precedents referred to by Nagina. However the judge had to grant an ex-parte divorce due to the supposedly modified court records. In later issues it was revealed that the court decree was a decree of separation and not of divorce. It was finally decided upon by Baba Gorakhnath, the generalissimo of the forces of good. More thrill is created by the introduction of Black Cat, also known as Richa. Natasha and Richaare are shown to be at loggerheads regarding Natasha`s husband Super Commando Dhruva.
It was also revealed in the Nagayana series that Nagina appears to be the mother of Visarpi. She was eventually killed by Nagpasha and transformed into a powerful spirit.
Publications of Nagayana
The Nagayana series was released in episodes and each issue related to a particular Kand. The various issues in the series are titled as Varan Kand, Grahan Kand, Haran Kand, Sharan Kand, Dahan Kand, Rann Kand, Samar Kand and Iti Kand.