Dose of Trivrit in Medicine The usual mode of administering it is as follows. About 2 scruples of the root are rubbed into a pulp with water and taken with the addition of rock salt and ginger or sugar and black pepper. A compound powder called Naracha Churna is thus prepared. Take Trivrit root 8 tolas, long pepper 2 tolas, sugar 8 tolas; powder and mix. About a scruple of the powder is recommended to be taken before meals in constipation with hard faeces. Tumburadya Churna: Take the fruits of Xanthoxylum hostile (tumburu), rock, vit and sonchal salts, ajwain, pachak root, yavakshara, chebulic myrobalan, asafoetida and baberang seeds, 1 part each, trivrit 3 parts; powder the ingredients and mix. Dose should be about a drachm with warm water, in painful dyspepsia with costiveness and flatulence. In anasarca supposed to be caused by deranged bile, a decoction of trivrit, gulancha and the 3 myrobalans is recommended to be taken. Milk diet should be prescribed along with this medicine. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to Related Articles Ayurveda History of Ayurveda Origin of Ayurveda Ayurveda Medication Elements of Ayurveda Concepts of Ayurveda Ancient Literature of Ayurveda Sushruta Samhita Classification of Medicine |