Legend of Parvati Inciting Vishnu
Legend of Parvati inciting Vishnu states about the goddess asking for help from Vishnu to desecrate the chastity of Vrinda which would enable Lord Shiva to win battle against Jalandhara.
Legend of Parvati inciting Lord Vishnu states about the goddess helping Shiva win a battle against Jalandhara. The curse of Vrinda finds its mention in the Skanda Purana, the Shiva Purana and several other texts. According to the legend, once there lived a very powerful demon Jalandhara. He had challenged Lord Shiva to fight with him. The battle went on a long time but Lord Shiva could not defeat the demon even after using all his powers. The chastity of Vrinda, wife of Jalandhara guarded him. Parvati then intervened into the matter to solve it. She incited Lord Vishnu to ruin the chastity of Vrinda. Lord Vishnu took the help of his two guards Jaya-Vijaya and went to Vrinda. With their help he desecrated her chastity. Finally Lord Shiva was able to defeat the demon in the battlefield. Later on when Vrinda learnt about the trick applied on her by Vishnu, she out of rage cursed him that his own wife would be kidnapped by two attendants in the form of demons. Thus, in the Tattvasangraha Ramayana, the curse of Vrinda became the vital cause of abduction of Sita.
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