Lord Chandraprabha also known as Chandraprabhu Swami was born to Emperor Mahasen Raja and Queen Lakshmana Devi at Chandrapuri in the Ikshvaku dynasty. He was born on the twelfth day of the Posh Krishna month of the Hindu calendar. In his birth as Emperor Padma of Mangalavati town of Dhatkikhand, the being that was to become Bhagwan Chandraprabh earned Tirthankar-nam-and-gotra-karma. He spent a long time as a God in Anuttar Vijay dimension. Later he descended into the womb of queen Lakshmana, wife of Emperor Mahasen of Chandranana town. Resurrection of Lord Chandraprabha Lord Chandraprabh was brought up in a royal way but he always remained apathetic towards the ordinary delights and princely grandeur of life. When he attained adulthood his father crowned him and he thus ascended the throne. Chandraprabh was a kind hearted and pious king who successfully ruled for some time. After a short time he left his kingdom and became an ascetic in the prime of his youth. Within three months of dedicated divine practices he gained much knowledge. For a considerably long period he proceeded to enlighten the people and spread the true religious faith. Gradually when his end approached he went to Sammetshikhar and after a month of long fasting and meditation got enlightened and achieved nirvana. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com |