The first of the seven 'somayajnas' is called Agnistoma which is the 'prakriti' for the six others yajnas. The six other somayajnas are called 'vikriti.' The six vikritis are atyagnistoma, uktya, sodasi, vajapeya, atiratra and aptoryama. Among them, vajapeya is important for the 'somayajnas'. When its 'yajamana' or the sacrificer comes after the ritual bath at the conclusion of the sacrifice, the king himself holds up a white umbrella for him. The Somayajna consists of the sacrifice of the offering of soma-rasa or juice, pasu-homa or the offering of twenty three animals and anna- or vaja-homa. The sacrificer of the Somayajna is 'bathed' in the rice that is left over. This rice is 'poured over' him like water and hence the term 'vajapeya" is apt. Animal sacrifices are also part of the ritual offerings in the somayajnas. In the present age this sacrifice is rare. Instead animal made of flour is sacrificed. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |