Bhuvar Loka
Bhuvar Loka is the sphere of sky both in diameter and circumference. Bhuvar Loka is right above the Earth.
Bhuvar Loka is the sphere of the sky both in diameter and circumference as far upwards as to the planetary sphere or ‘Swarloka’. As per Hindu mythology, there are seven higher worlds and seven lower ones. The higher worlds are the Seven Spheres ‘vyahrtis’ or ‘lokas’, namely ‘bhuvar’, ‘deva’, ‘mahar’, ‘jana’, ‘Indra’, ‘rudra’ and ‘marut’ and the lower ones (the "seven underworlds" or paatala lokas) are ‘atala’, ‘vitala’, ‘sutala’, ‘rasaataala’, ‘talatala’, ‘mahaatala’, ‘paatala’.
Myths of Bhuvar Loka
Bhuvar Loka is the sphere of sky right above the Earth. Bhuvar Loka is the force of the active bodies which boosts regularly. It is the second main world. It is also known as the ‘Dyau Loka’ or ‘Jyotir Loka’ where the body is existing full of energy. Bhuvar Loka is the first in the series of fourteen Lokas, above the earth. It occupies the space between the earth and the sun. It is occupied by sages and ‘siddhas’ (perfected beings).
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