According to 2001 Census report, the total population of Hasanpur city is 53,340. Out of the total population of the Hasanpur city, males comprise of 53 percent, while the population of females in Hasanpur is 47 percent. Moreover, 18 percent of the total population is below six years of age. Besides this Hasanpur in Uttar Pradesh has an average literacy rate of 43 percent. Thus, it is lower than that of the whole of India, which is counted to be 59.5%. Also literacy rate of male is 49%, while female literacy rate has been measured to be 37 percent. Various industries like chemical factories, tyres, sugar mills, glass factories too have developed in the region as a whole. To satisfy the needs of tourists, various tourists' places too have grown within the vicinity of the Jyotiba Phule Nagar district. These include Vasudev Mandir and Tulsi Park, Bayen ka kuan, Nasiruddin Sahib ki Majaar, Dargah Bhure Shah, Majaar Shah Vilayat Sahib. Since the city is located within the Jyotiba Phule Nagar district, popular tourist places like Amroha and Tigri are easily accessible from here. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |