Concept of Surya Yoga Surya is an essential concept in yoga because, since ancient times, yogis have worshipped the sun through mantras, movements and salutations. Surya Jowel, known as ‘Surya Swami’, is the founder of the Surya Yoga. Surya Yoga or Surya Namaskar is a combination of two Sanskrit words Surya and Yoga, where ‘Surya’ means Sun and ‘Yoga’ means ‘to yoke’. Together which literally means to amalgamate with the sun – become one. Healing through Sunlight Sunlight has great therapeutic value. The importance of Sun was realised very early by the ancient civilizations. It was given the status of a God and worshipped from time immemorial. The Sun generates ‘Vital force’ or ‘Prana Shakti’ that contains 5 sub-vital airs known as ‘Panch Prana’ which is inherent in every limb, muscle, etc. Benefits of Surya Yoga Surya Yoga is an energetic, dynamic and rejuvenating style of yoga based on a unique series of Sun Salutations. The omnipotent Surya’s presence can change, arrange, reduce, remove imbalances and organise the chemical, bio-chemical, bio-electrical and bio-magnetic powers in living beings by practising Surya Yoga. Surya Yoga helps in revitalise energy and negates illnesses of the mind and body. It is a blend of yoga, nada (sound), rishi gyan and Gautama Buddha stage (silence). Practise of Surya Yoga Surya Yoga is done in nine steps, and when perfected can activate the body chakras or power points, opening up the path to self-realisation. Daily practicing of Surya Yoga will balance the five elements in the body. The best time to practice Surya yoga is at sunrise or sunset when the harmful ultra-violet rays are not present. Sungazing is the practice of staring at a sunrise or sunset for extended periods of time which has some truly amazing benefits, not only for a physical health, but also for the mental well-being and spiritual development. |