Origin of Astrology in India Astrology has been the earliest of all sciences. It began its journey when the ancient people noticed a definite pattern in the motions of celestial bodies. As per history, Sage Parashara is said to be the founder of astrology and his findings are the quintessence of Hindu Astrology. Astrology has its own course of origin and development in other cultures as well. Many western astrologers claim that Greeks brought astrology to India with invasion of Alexander the great. Later on Indians developed this branch to a great extent by themselves. Concept of Astrology in India Astrology has been described as a stairway leading into ones deeper self. It holds out the promise that one does not have to pass through life reacting blindly to expe¬rience, that one can within limits, direct their own des¬tiny and in the process reach a truer self-understanding. Thus, Astrology in India consists of deepest knowledge of this noble and precise science of astrology, by using which one can foretell future and can take precautions before difficulties arise. Various Studies of Astrology in India Jyotish Shastra has covered almost each and every aspect of human life in its continual process to understand and improvise itself. It has manifested those efforts in certain branches and applications. Some of the major branches and applications of ‘Vedic Astrology’ are Natal Astrology, Electional Astrology, Mundane Astrology, Horary Astrology, Medical Astrology, Meteorological Astrology, Horoscope Match Making, etc. Apart from these, in ancient eras, the study of foretelling were of several other forms namely the Nadi Shastra which is said to be the fascinating branch of knowledge that reveals the human destiny written on palm leaves by Ancient Sages of India. Lal Kitab is also considered as one of the several means of foretelling. This is a unique form of astrology that provides unbelievingly simple remedies for the most complex and difficult of all problems. Among all the several ways of foretelling, Vedic astrology is considered as the most reckoned methods of defining human destiny. The Vedic astrology is based on accurate calculations of astronomy. According to astrology, there are twelve houses in horoscope. On the basis of the date, time and place of birth of any individual, the natal chart is made. Moreover, the Nakshatras play an important part in preparing horoscope. The concept of Nakshatra is exclusive only to Vedic astrology and they are the backbone of astrology and were taken into account even before Sign system was considered. In defining different sections of Indian and Hindu astrology, some other forms of prediction includes Numerology, Tarot Cards, Palmistry, etc which are also equally popular and provide reliable forecasting. The birthdates and names of individuals are analyzed properly in Numerology to realize the interpretations of these certain things. Tarot Cards is another way which depicts that present and future of human destiny. Apart from these ways, Palmistry is another technique of future forecasting that has its root in ancient past of India. The hands of human beings speak volumes about the personalities, thinking, destiny, emotions, past, present and future of an individual. Role of Planets in Astrology In Astrology, Planets are the celestial bodies, whose movements are tracked by keeping earth as the central point. These heavenly objects cast their influence on earth, nature and its inhabitants to a great degree. Although, technically Sun and Moon are not planets, Rahu and Ketu are just lunar nodes; still they are essentially referred as planets in Hindu astrology. There also exist a period known as ‘Maha Dasha’ that refers to the ruling of a particular planet in the lifespan of an individual. The planets are divided into two groups according to their basic qualities and energies namely:
The zodiac in which the planet is placed highly affects the basic qualities it imparts. The energy can be manifested in negative and positive traits owing to the overall assessment of the horoscope. Rudraksha and Gemstones in Astrology In Astrology, there are some stones and other beads that are considered having some certain power to combat the evil effects of human destiny. Such are the effects of Rudraksha beads which have unique electro-magnetic properties and are influential enough to affect human life. These elegant beads of different types can influence different aspects of human body, mind, soul and karma. Moreover, relationship between mankind and Gemstones is much more than ornamental purpose. The uses of the proper gemstones, according to ones planetary influences, go a long and positive way to achieve fulfilment in one’s destiny. Since, the gemstones have the power to affect human mind, body and soul. Astrology helps people to gain more insight in inherently bestowed blueprint of the life and helps them to generate good karmas. This is the fundamental objective on which the analytical, predictive and remedial faculties of Jyotish are based. |
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