Vikram Seth is an Indian poet, novelist, writer and the author of many modern books and he has a collection of poems "Mappings" and "Beastly Tales" which are the star marks in English Indian Literature.
Early Life of Vikram Seth
Vikram Seth was born on 20 June 1952 in Kolkata, West Bengal. He studied at St. Michael`s High School, Patna and at the Doon School in Dehradun. He also studied at St. Xavier`s High School, Patna.
Later Career of Vikram Seth
After formal education, Vikram Seth moved to London and studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He then pursued a Ph.D. in Economics at Stanford University. After graduating from Doon, Seth went to Tonbridge School, England to complete his A-levels.
Works of Vikram Seth
Seth`s first `novel` - The Golden Gate - was published in 1986. Composed of no less than 690 rhyming tetrameter sonnets (more than 7000 lines), The Golden Gate is a satirical romance set in San Francisco and is centred on the relationship of two professionals. What is surprising is not Seth`s shift between prose and poetry (here he is in the company of several contemporary writers), but that an author famous for such an expansive, `unrestrained` work of fiction, could also write with the formal and verbal restraint, economy and discipline of Seth-the-poet.
In his next novel, A Suitable Boy Seth combined satire and romance to even greater effect in what became one of the most popular epic narratives of the late twentieth century. This heavy weight novel is described by one critic as `three and a half pounds of perfection` has earned Seth comparison with Leo Tolstoy, Charles Dickens and George Eliot. The classic realism of "A Suitable Boy", which took Seth almost a decade to write, was for many readers of Indian fiction in English, a welcome break from the magical realism of that other heavy weight author from the subcontinent, Salman Rushdie. Set in Brahmpur, A Suitable Boy uses the taboo relationship between a boy and girl as a metonym through which to explore the post-Independence conflict in India between Hindus and Muslims. The novel centres on four families: the Kapoors, Mehras and Chatterjis (Hindus) and the Khans (Muslim). Mrs Rupa Mehra is looking for a `suitable boy` for her wayward daughter, Lata. `Suitable` here means Hindu, but Lata, it seems, has her eyes set on a Muslim boy. The repercussions of this relationship consume one thousand three hundred and forty nine pages. Vikram Seth`s novel, An Equal Music (1999), is another romantic novel, but this time minus the satire of A Suitable Boy and a thousand or so pages. The book centres on two gifted musicians: Michael Holme and Julia McNicholl. As Michael works on a Beethoven piece for the Maggiore Quartet, he grows increasingly preoccupied with recollections of his student days in Vienna where he met Julia. When the two are re-united by chance in London, their relationship is re-kindled. One of the most impressive aspects of this novel is the way in which it manages to convey music through language. While Seth is modest about his musical abilities, the fact that he was commissioned to write a libretto (later published as Arion and the Dolphin) for the English National Opera in 1994 suggests he is no novice. "An Equal Music" takes a conventional romantic plot and renders it compelling and novel through the seductive clarity and precision of its prose.
Poetries of Vikram Seth
"Mappings" (1980) was Seth`s first volume of poetry, a little known collection, it includes translations of work by Chinese, German and Hindi poets. Through Mappings Seth served something of an apprenticeship while revealing an early preoccupation with European and Chinese cultural production that has, if anything, become more pronounced in his more recent work.
Mappings was followed by From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet (1983), a popular and compelling autobiographical tale of the author`s journey from Nepal to India and the many and varied people he meets on the way. The travel also provides the direction for Seth`s next two collections, The Humble Administrator`s Garden (1985) and All you who Sleep Tonight (1990). The Humble Administrator`s Garden, is a witty collection of nature poems structured around plants/places: Wutong (China), Neem (India) and Live-Oak (California). "All you who Sleep Tonight" is an elegant book of poetry that combine the sharp humor that characterizes so much of Seth`s writing with darker subjects such as Auschwitz and Hiroshima. In his next book of poems, Seth further displays his capacity for wit in Beastly Tales from Here and There (1991). As its title makes explicit, this is another narrative of journeys and journeying that takes the readers through Greece, China, India and the Ukraine not to mention the fantasy world of Gup. Structured around the classic tension between good and evil and punctuated by superb illustrations, these tales in verse will appeal as much to children as to adults. In "Three Chinese Poets" (1992) Seth offers the readers, his most ambitious and daring translation to date. The `three Chinese` of the title are the T`ang dynasty poets Wang Wei, Li Bai and Du Fu. Translated from the original ideograms (the graphic symbols of the Chinese writing system), Seth closely follows the form and subject of the poems in what is a controlled and skilful collection.
Works at a Glance
The Golden Gate (1986) |
A Suitable Boy (1993) |
An Equal Music (1999) |
A Suitable Girl (upcoming, 2016) |
Mappings (1980) |
The Humble Administrator`s Garden (1985) |
All You Who Sleep Tonight (1990) |
Beastly Tales (1991) |
Three Chinese Poets (1992) |
At Evening (1993) |
The Frog and the Nightingale (1994) |
A Doctor`s Journal Entry |
Summer Requiem: A Book of Poems (2012) |
The Eagle and The Beetle |
Beastly Tales from Here and There (1991) |
From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet (1983) |
Two Lives |
The Rivered Earth |
Social Work of Vikram Seth
In the year 2006, Vikram Seth became a leader of the campaign against Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, a law against homosexuality.
Awards Received by Vikram Seth
1983 - Thomas Cook Travel Book Award for From Heaven Lake: Travels Through Sinkiang and Tibet |
1985 - Commonwealth Poetry Prize (Asia) for The Humble Administrator`s Garden |
1988 - Sahitya Akademi Award for The Golden Gate |
1993 - Irish Times International Fiction Prize (shortlist) for A Suitable Boy |
1994 - Commonwealth Writers Prize (Overall Winner, Best Book) for A Suitable Boy |
1994 - WH Smith Literary Award for A Suitable Boy |
1999 - Crossword Book Award for An Equal Music |
2001 - Order of the British Empire, Officer |
2001 - EMMA (BT Ethnic and Multicultural Media Award) for Best Book/Novel for An Equal Music |
2005 - Pravasi Bharatiya Samman |
2007 - Padma Shri in Literature and Education |
2013 - The 25 Greatest Global Living Legends In India |