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Prokash Karmakar
Prokash Karmakar is one of the most original and outstanding painters of contemporary India. His works depict the rich inheritance of Indian art and the dynamic spirit of the modern age.

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Prokash Karmakar, Indian PainterProkash Karmakar was born in Kolkata in 1933. He has lived through wars, famine, communal riots, and partition and his powerful brush has caught the anguished search of his age for meaning and direction in bold lines and rich colour. Prokash had a hard life in his boyhood and youth as his father passed away in his young age. He found shelter in station platforms, city parks and pavements and all this enriched his creative imagination. He remains in spirit bohemian whose head is warms and generous but whose head in unbowed to any authority.

In the year 1968 Prokash got an Academy Award of a Fellowship which took him to Paris to study the Master Painters Creations. He has a rich and original aesthetic fusion style which he imbibed from Eastern and Western art. He is one of the most powerful artists in India. His landscapes are unparalleled which has the true essence of India as well as look modern. His figures, his lines and bold distortions are magnificent.

He is considered a revolutionary as he doesn`t exhibit in art galleries. He has always exhibited on street corners as he did not want his paintings to be imprisoned within four walls. Most of his earlier works capture remembrances from the past - some are personal and some are from the darkest moments of human history. Recently he has painted landscapes depicting lush tropical vegetation, hills and valleys, seascapes and mangroves.

Prokash is an acrylic and an oil artist. He has also tried in various other media like pastel, ink and even water colours. Karmakar`s works show human figures depicted in thick lines with simplified back grounds. He in his younger days had depicted the degeneration in moral terms of the society that he had lived in. In his later day paintings his themes moved towards simple peaceful village life.

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