Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET is defined as a qualifying examination for getting admissions into the professional post graduate management degree programmes. This entrance test basically measures the capability of the candidates whether they are eligible to the various management programmes like Master of Computer Application (MCA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) courses. These courses are offered by the Universities in Andhra Pradesh and all the affiliated colleges under them. Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET) is organized by any one of the Universities in Andhra Pradesh on behalf of the state education council that is Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE). The chance of organizing the ICET entrance test usually rotates and is provided by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates need to remember that simply qualifying this entrance test does not assure a seat in any college or university. Meeting the admission requirements of the university is mandatory. Just within a few days after the release of the results of Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET announcements regarding the admission notification are made. In the year 2010, the Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET will be conducted by Osmania University, Hyderabad on behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE).
List of Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET Affiliated Colleges or Universities
• Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU)
• Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU)
• Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTU-H)
• Adikavi Nannaya University (AKNU)
• S.V. University (SVU)
• Andhra University (AU)
• Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU)
• JNT University, Kakinada (JNTU-K)
• Kakatiya University (KU)
• Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University (BRAU)
• Dravidian University (DU)
• JNT University, Ananthapur (JNTU-A)
• Krishna University (KrU)
• Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU)
• Osmania University (OU)
• Palamur University (PU)
• Rayalaseema University (RU)
• S.K. University (SKU)
• Satavahana University (SU)
• Sri Padmavati Mahila Viswavidyalayam (Women`s University) (SPMU)
• Telangana University (TU)
• Vikrama Simhapuri University (VSU)
• Yogi Vemana University (YVU)
Application Forms
Candidates can obtain the application form and the information brochure by cash payment. They can also send a nationalized bank demand draft of Rs. Rs.250, which is drawn in favour of "The Secretary, APSCHE". It should be payable at Hyderabad and should be sent to the Convener. They can also obtain the application form from all the head post offices of the state of Andhra Pradesh or the post offices that are located within the university campuses. Students will complete detailed information from the official website of the universities.
Eligibility Criteria for Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET
Candidate those who are willing to appear for the Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET need to have a bachelor`s degree certificate as it is the minimum eligibility criterion. A bachelor`s degree examination in any discipline or stream of study is required with Mathematics at 10+2 level. For the candidates who are interested in taking admissions to the MBA course need to have a bachelor`s degree certificate from any recognized university. Mathematics is the mandatory subject that the candidates need to have. Candidates in the final year of graduation are also eligible to sit for the examination.
Courses Offered
• MBA - Masters of Business Administration
• MCA - Masters of Computer Application
Pattern of Examination
The Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET comprises 200 questions that are of 1 mark each. The test duration is 150 minutes or 2 and half hours. It contains three main sections based on analytical ability, communication ability and mathematical ability. The question pattern is as follows -
1. Analytical Ability
• Problem Solving
• Data Sufficiency
2. Communication Ability
• Business and Computer Technology
• Reading Comprehension
• Functional Grammar
3. Mathematical Ability
• Statistical Ability
• Algebrical and Geometrical ability
• Arithmetical ability
1. Data Sufficiency
2. Problem Solving - Sequences and Series, Data Analysis, Coding and Decoding Problems and Date, Time & Arrangement Questions
3. Mathematical Ability
• Arithmetical Ability - Laws of indices, ratio and proportion; surds; numbers and divisibility, Rational numbers.; Ordering.; Percentages; profit and loss; partnerships, pipes and cisterns, time, distance and work problems, areas, and volumes, Modular Arithmetical.
• Algebrical and Geometrical Ability - Statements, Truth tables, implication, converse and inverse, Tautologies-Sets, Relations and functions; applications.
• Trigonometry - Trigonometric ratios, Trigonometric ratios of standard angles (00, 300, 450, 600, 900, 1800): Trigonometric identities: simple problems on heights and distances Polynomials; Remainder theorem and consequences; Linear equations and expressions; Progressions, Matrices, Notion of a limit and derivative Plane geometry-lines, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Coordinate geometry-distance between points.
4. Statistical Ability - Frequency distributions, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviations, Correlation, Simple Problems on Probability
5. Communication Ability -
• Vocabulary
• Business and computer terminology
• Functional Grammar
• Reading Comprehension
Selection Process
The candidates are finally selected for the MBA and MCA programmes on the basis of the score obtained in the written test of Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET and personal interview. Candidates need to obtain an aggregate score in all the sections of the written test.
Integrated Common Entrance Test or ICET can be defined as the first step or platform towards building a successful career in the management or corporate area.