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Facial Diagnosis in Ayurveda
Facial diagnosis in Ayurveda involves reading the facial features for analysing and deciding the line of treatment.

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Facial Diagnosis in AyurvedaFacial diagnosis in Ayurveda is an important aspect of the healing methods as face reflects the mind aptly. Diverse thoughts and problems can be observed through the lines and wrinkles of the face. Face forms an excellent mirror which indicates the ailments and disorders of the body. On observing the different parts of the face carefully in the mirror one can see the horizontal wrinkles on the forehead which signifies the deep-seated worries and anxieties of an individual.

Repression of emotions in the liver is indicated by a vertical line between the eyebrows, slightly on the right side. Similar line between the eyebrows on the left side signifies the holding back of emotions by the spleen. The impairment of kidneys reflects through the puffiness of the lower eyelids. Discoloration over the nose or cheeks of about the shape of a butterfly shows the inability of the body in absorbing iron or folic acid. It also indicates the improper working of digestive metabolism caused by low agni.

Usually a person having vata constitution is unable to gain weight easily. Thus the cheeks of such a person become sunken or flat. Individuals having kapha constitution have slow metabolism and their body retains water and fat. Thus their cheeks generally become plump. Constitution of a person can also be figured out by the shape of the nose. A crooked nose signifies vata, a blunt nose reflects kapha while a sharp nose is the indicative of pitta.

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