Apart from Orissa, the Tadvi tribes are also found in different parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and some parts of West Central India. The mother tongue of these Tadvi tribes is popularly known as Dhanka, which has a belonging to the Bhil subgroup of the famous Indo- Aryan language family. House building is quite exquisite, rightly depicting the cultural embellishment of these Tadvi tribes. Generally these Tadvi houses are made up from bamboo with thatched roof. Flooring too is done carefully. In fact now a day, many of these Tadvi tribes spend quite a lot of money in changing thatched roofs of their houses to that of tiles and iron sheets. Also due to the governmental initiatives, these Tadvi tribes go for making houses much larger and also well constructed. Modern facilities that these Tadvi tribes include more windows sheds, open space, individual rooms for cooking and sleeping, separate cattle sheds, and better hygine. The Tadvi people are basically agrarian people. Barley, groundnuts and cotton are considered as their cash crops and have demands in the whole of the Indian market. These Tadvi tribes grow crops in ample quantities both to meet their basis requirements and also for selling them in the local markets. Some of the Tadvi tribes even work as daily laborers in the fields of the affluent landlords. Moreover, another profession that these Tadvi tribes have taken up includes collecting and then selling these forest resources like honey or gum in the local market. Woodcutting too has also become another source of earning money. Society of these Tadvi tribes follows the rules and norms of almost all the tribal populous of Indian subcontinent. In a normal household of a Tadvi tribe, there are near about seven people. After marrying the young Tadvi couples walk out and build separate house. Marriage is also an important institution and also has been held in high esteem by all the Tadvi tribal community. In general, these Tadvi tribes have the tendency to follow the customs and norms of the Bhil tribes. What is to be noted that although these Tadvi tribes share a very good relation with other tribes, the Tadvis do not encourage intermarriage between the two different tribal communities. The physical stature of these Tadvi tribal communities is quite small with average height of Tadvi male being 5'3'. Due to food habits mainly consisting of rice and vegetables, these Tadvi tribes have got stunted growth. Milk is rarely consumed. Just like any of the tribal communities, festivals and fairs are part and parcel of their Tadvi society. These festivals mainly centered on the harvesting seasons and religious or social events. As far as the religion is concerned, Islamic followers are quite large in number. In fact most of the Tadvi population follows the religion of Islam. There are several Tadvi people who follow Hinduism and also worship several deities. Among the various deities, Maladi and Hinglaj are significant. Also these Tadvi tribes have developed tremendous faith on spirits and also supernatural forces. Black magic is also prevalent. Nowadays, under the influence of modern technology, these Tadvi tribes are undergoing changes. |