Benefits of Lime Lime is used internally in dyspepsia, enlarged spleen and other enlargements in the abdomen, and externally as a caustic. Dose of Lime in Medicine Lime enters into the composition of a great many prescriptions for different sorts of dyspepsia. The following are a few examples. Amrita Vati: Take calcined cowries 5 parts, aconite 2 parts, black pepper 9 parts and make into 2 grain pills. They are used in loss of appetite and indigestion. Agnikumara Rasa: Take borax, mercury and sulphur, each one tola, aconite, calcined cowries and conch-shells, each 3 tolas, black pepper 8 tolas, rub them together for 12 hours with lime juice and make into 12 grain pills. This medicine is to increase the appetite and cure indigestion. Calcined conch-shell in half a drachm doses is recommended to be taken with lime juice in enlarged spleen. Lime is used in various combinations as a caustic for different diseases. Thus a mixture of conch-shell lime, impure carbonate of soda (sarjika) and the ashes of Raphanus sativus (mulaka) is applied to tumours and enlarged glands. A mixture of lime, carbonate of soda, sulphate of copper and borax is applied as a caustic to tumours and warts. Lime enters into the composition of depilatories. Thus take conch-shell lime 3 tolas, orpiment and the ashes of Butea frondosa (palasa), one tola each, and rub thorn together with the juice of plantain stalks or of Calotropis gigantea (arka). This paste is applied 7 times to the part from which the hair is to be removed. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |