Millions of visitors and tourists throng Chandigarh to witness this spectacular flower show, which has been gaining more popularity with every passing year. Gardeners from several portions of the country participate in the Chrysanthemum Show, especially in the different contests connected to the field of gardening. One will be amazed to view the marvellous arrangement of flowers, many of which are employed to create the shapes of cows, giraffe, peacock, camel and other animals. The colourful combination of numerable bright and attractive flowers presents a divine appearance and creates a magical ambience at the Terraced Garden, which is overcrowded with local as well as other travellers from all across the nation. Chrysanthemum Show was first arranged over 10 years ago and it is conducted by the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh. Besides flower shows, various other forms of competitions are held at this special event which draws even foreign tourists. As many as 100 varieties of Chrysanthemums and over 13,000 pots filled with flowers are displayed in this impressive flower festival. One will be dumbfounded at the splendid sight of maroon, yellow and red chrysanthemums in full bloom at this flower show. Pom poms, footballs and spiders are amongst the many wonderful varieties of chrysanthemums which are exhibited in the Chrysanthemum Show. In the year 2011, above 260 other types of flowering plants were also an added attraction to the show. Several gardeners participating in the Chrysanthemum Show emerge as winners and are awarded honours to encourage their creative efforts in flower arrangements and cultivation of chrysanthemums. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |