Early Life of Veena Kuppayyar Veena Kuppayyar, a renowned name in the field of Carnatic music, was born in a Telugu Brahmin family in Tiruvottiyur, near Chennai in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Sambamoorti Sastri, his father, was a well-known vocalist as well as a Veena player. Kuppayyar received his initial training in music from his father. However, later, he continued to get musical training under Tyagaraja and learnt the art of music composition from him. After some years, Kuppayyar moved to Chennai and sought the patronage of the local ruler Kovur Sundara Mudaliar. Kuppayyar trained a lot of followers and disciples, who carried forward the legacy of Tyagaraja, helping to spread his Krithis. Veena Kuppayar was a talented Veena player. He also learnt the violin, a new instrument to Carnatic Music at that time. He composed many Varnams and Krithis in particular. The most famous Varnam was Sami Ninne in Shankarabharanam. When he was in his height of composing, he received the title of Asthana Vidwan. His mudra was Gopaaladaasa, in honour of his personal deity. Veena Kuppayyar died in the year 1860.
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