Early Years of Gopala Dasa Early life of Gopala was spent in the Indian state of Karnataka. He was born as Bhaganna to Murariraya and Venkamma in Mosarakallu in Raichur district of Karnataka. Right from a very tender age, Bhaganna was submerged into Dvaita philosophy and spirituality. Bhaganna was initiated into the Haridasa tradition by Sri Vijaya Dasa. His pen-name was "Gopala Vittala". Works of Gopala Dasa Sri Gopala Dasa has composed numerous songs in Kannada language in praise of Lord Purandhara Vittala. Sri Gopala Dasa died in the year 1762. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to content@indianetzone.com |