Tattuvarayar is also well renowned for his numerous devotional hymns, songs and verses. Some of the most popular among them are Nanavinodan Kalambakam, Annavadaipparani Mohavadaip- Parani and Paduturai. Othere than these he also worked on the composition of Pallippattu and Tiruppavai which were inspired by the forms of Tamil folk songs. Further more, Tattuvarayar also wrote several works of Tiruppalliyelucci songs and verses. Some of the Tiruppalliyelucci works composed by the Advaita philosopher include Corupananta Cuvamikal Tiruppalliyelucci, Civappirakaca Cuvamikal Tiruppalliyelucci, Tattuvappirakaca Nayanar Tiruppalliyelucci and Arul Tiruppalliyelucci. These works of Tiruppalliyelucci hymns are similar in content, form and rhythm to the other works that were composed by the hymnodists. Moreover, each of the Tiruppalliyelucci works composed by Tattuvarayar contains 10 verses. This article is a stub. You may enrich it by adding more information to it. You can send your write-up at content@indianetzone.com |