The great Tail poet Mmatcicuntaram Pillai also wrote various Talapuranams like the Vilattottippuranam, Tirupperunturaippuranam Tirukkutantaippuranam, Arrurppurdnam and Uraiyurppurdnam. Most of his compositions are regarded as works on Shaivism and are full of devotion and dedication. Mmatcicuntaram Pillai was popular and much venerated as a poet who could write verses instantaneously and spontaneously. He composed the largest number of works in Tamil language. He is still popular as a renowned poet even today due to his contributions to Tamil literature, particularly in the form of the minor work of Cekkilar Pillaittamil. The compositions of Mmatcicuntaram Pillai comprised of vivid descriptions, ideas and illustrations that were inspired and loaned from ancient literature. It is widely believed that the poet Minatcicuntaram Pillai and his disciple Tevaracap Pillai composed the epic Kucelopakkiyanam, which was based on the tale of Kucelar, found in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata. The literary work was written in a magnificent style and in the viruttam verse rhythm. |