Concept of The Sixth The Sixth series begins with Karan Vir, the central character of the story who is a high profile entrepreneur. He is troubled by chronic nightmares of an unknown warrior from the ancient era. Karan Vir decides to find out the truth and goes on a quest which guides him to India, his native soil. He travels to the state of Bihar and through destiny he chances upon the great mystical sage Ved Vyas, who wrote the Mahabharata almost 2000 years ago. Ved Vyas, who is an immortal, had traveled through time to meet Karan Vir, by using his spiritual powers. He narrates a story to Karan Vir about the actual legend of Karna. Karan Vir listened to Karna's legends and the factual incidents and the events of Mahabharata. Ved Vyas made him aware of Karna's early years, his escapades as a youth, Karna's relationship with Lord Parashurama, the Great Guru, Karna's life as the ruler of Anga, as well as his personal life as a husband and father. Karna was one of the finest warriors of that time and the story ended with his ill-fated downfall in the war of Kurukshetra that lasted for 18 days. According to the Mahabharata, it was one of the greatest and the violent wars in the history of India that occurred almost 3,500 years earlier. Eventually, Karan Vir discovers that he is the reincarnation of Karna, the great warrior of Mahabharata. He meets with a man who was his father in his past life. Karan Vir is told that he must fight the demons of his past in order to achieve salvation and attain freedom from his nightmares. Karan Vir realizes that he is fulfilling his Karmic cycle and travels on the path of discovery. Meanwhile, Duryodhana from Mahabharata starts to form a new conspiracy in a different realm. Duryodhana, who is now the dark lord of the underworld, wishes to get back Karna, as he used to be his dearest and loyal friend. Duryodhana plans to get Karan Vir on his side and conquer the whole universe. The rest of the story is about Karan Vir's journey and his decision to accept or reject Duryodhana's friendship. |