Pinki is the lead character of the series who is rather mischevious and creates lot of problems. Other prominent characters in this Indian comics include her friends Champu and Bhiku and her neighbour Jhaptji. Jhaptji, her close neighbour, is much annoyed with the antics of Pinki. According to the storyline of the series, whenever Pinki tries to help Jhaptji, she creates lot of chaos and messes everything around for everyone. The entire neighborhood is petrified of her action and menacing deeds. Pinki has also been featured in several issues of Chacha Chaudhary and Billoo comics series. In the year 2009, Diamond Comics, the publishing company that owns the rights of the characters Pinki, Billoo, Chacha Chowdhary, Sabu and others, has finalised a deal with License India in order to produce animated feature films and serials of these popular characters in Indian comics series. This article is a stub. You may enrich it by adding more information to it. You can send your write-up at |