Concept of Meghdoot The plot of Meghdoot was much similar to Flash Gordon. Established scientists from around the world discovered an eminent danger approaching the earth that is bound to destroy the entire planet. A gigantic comet was about collide with earth somewhere in near future. After a series of tests, Meghdoot is chosen and was given the mission to destroy the meteor and rescue the planet. During his adventurous journey to save the earth, he met with the princess Jwala, daughter of Singahi, emperor of Mars. The people of their kingdom were negatively affected by the same comet, as it had obliterated their home planet almost a thousand years ago. Since then Jwala has transformed herself into an energy of light and eventually, by using her powers, she assists Meghdoot is rescuing the planet from the eminent doom of the comet. Ultimately Jwala sacrificed her life to protect earth and its inhabitants. This article is a stub. You may enrich it by adding more information to it. You can send your write-up at |