Samaveda is the Veda of songs. They indicate the way in which these stanzas are to be chanted. They have helped in the growth of music in all its forms. The Yajurveda is the Veda of prose formulae. It is a text book for priests who performed the rituals and sacrifices. It has provided employment to Brahmins over all these centuries. However the rituals of sacrifice and other rites have been the root cause of blind faith. Vedic sacrifice was given so much importance that it became the fundamental law of individual and universal order. The Brahmins enjoyed particular prestige which established their absolute superiority over other castes. The Atharvaveda is the Veda of rituals that contains 730 hymns in poetry and prose. They deal with religion on a personal and private level. These hymns are used against enemies, demons and diseases. They are also used for success in love, procreation, and material prosperity. This has contributed to absurdity in thinking. This article is a stub. You can enrich by adding more information to it. Send your Write Up to |